Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Beer#6 : presenting TREE BREWING

Hiya Reader(s),

As Promised, today I will be starting a new trend for my blog. I am now blogging my beers per brewery instead of hitting random beers from all over the shop. I hope this will help me keep things more organized and a little more focused. Now, since some breweries around here (B.C.) don't bottle everything they brew so to speak, I will be doing a sampling of beer from each brewery hopefully around 4 beers, but absolutely more than that if I can get my hands on a bottle/can/pint; then moving on to the next brewery (exceptions are: finding a seasonal beer form an already visited brewery or a discovery of a new brew that peaks my interest). Also, since discovering CAMRA Vancouver I have found that there are "Cask Nights" at some brew pubs and tap houses 'round here that I would really like to try. This "real ale" thing i've heard of sounds marvelous!

Onto Tree Brewing Co.'s...Brews
Today from tree brewing I have for my own consumption is: Cutthroat Pale Ale - "A classic pale ale, perfectly balanced". so says the bottle. This beer' is a standard 5% ABV by the way.
Let's have at it!

I know it looks cloudy, but that is because of the temperatures of my apt/beer. I assure you, you could read a book while looking through it, it is so crystal clear.

Appearance: Looks a tiny bit darker than most pale ales that i've seen/had (though i'm no expert) It didn't have much of a head either. HOWEVER, it is VERY hot in my apartment and I cooled the ale a little too much in order to compensate...at the expense of the head, I suppose.

Aroma: A hint of hops, and an almost "woodsy" smell. It is enchanting...there's a some citrus as well.

Initial Taste: Really Light, and smooth on the tongue!

After Taste: A soft, bitter finish. Not too bitter, still crisp and clean.

Thoughts and Conclusions: This is honestly the best pale ale I have ever tasted. I know that I really didn't write paragraphs of text up there in my tasting categories. This may make the ale seem too simple or unremarkable; but it isn't! The flavours are there whether subtle or not. Whats great about this ale is that it's light enough for lager lovers, and has enough body for those amber and dark enthusiasts. I think the bottle had it right. though, it said "perfectly"...I can't say at this juncture whether something is perfect, but this is a very very well balanced ale. As I said before, by far my favorite to date!
I recommend this to everyone!

A Note about the brewery: Tree Brewing says they take brewing very seriously. Using no preservatives (other than some hops, perhaps). Their beer is also unpasteurized, and brewed as they say on a "small scale"...which is one of the main characteristics of a microbrewery. Tree Brewing Co. has a 20,000hl capacity, though I don't know if they are actually brewing to that scale.

They are located at 1083 Richter Street, Kelowna, B.C. 

- The Parched Paige

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