Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Beer #4 - Bring it on

Alright, this beer caught my eye while I was picking my beers for the week with it's interesting name.
It is "Kwak", Allegedly originally brewed by a man named Pauwels Kwak in 1791..and been in the family ever since. According to my book "Tasting Beer" it is brewed at the Bosteels brewery in Bruggenhout. (although, through google search I found out that the town is actually called Buggenhout. No "r"!) It is also what you would call a "strong" beer at 8%/Vol.

Aroma: a touch of hops, and their bitterness and some of that lovely "bready" smell I like so much. I don't know if it's right or wrong but I like it!!!

The Look: A great amber colour...um, a nice fine head and some great bubble action to boot.

Initial Taste:Very creamy, and a little bit of a caramel flavour but only a tiny bit, has a really soft feel to it.

Aftertaste: um...almost neutral? I taste the flavour of a high alcohol content haha and basically the same flavors I get initially, but the subtle caramel lingers.

A surprisingly gentle...full bodied beer. Gentle in that...for a relatively high alcohol content it doesn't kick you in the face the way you might expect.Though it IS definitely full of lovely flavor. It tastes a lot less fizzy than it looks, it's almost a flat beer. Overall though, I like it very much. It's a complex (but in an inviting and comfortable way) and elegant beer! I would recommend this beer to anyone, and also to myself.



-Sincerely, The Parched Paige.

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